Kate’s essay, “Skinning Up,” was reprinted in the February issue of ADIRONDACK LIFE, “the magazine of the mountains since 1969.” This is the “How to Winter” issue—and navigating a frozen Whiteface is about as wintery as it comes! Read more here.
Kate’s essay, “Skinning Up,” was reprinted in the February issue of ADIRONDACK LIFE, “the magazine of the mountains since 1969.” This is the “How to Winter” issue—and navigating a frozen Whiteface is about as wintery as it comes! Read more here.
Kate’s letter to the editor (“The Fever Called Living”) was published in this month’s issue of Harper’s Magazine, the oldest literary-interest monthly in the United States. Forever immortalized in the Harper’s Archive – and in the 175th Commemorative Issue. A proud day for any writer.